The Maine Physical Activity & Nutrition Plan 2005-2010
The Maine PAN Plan is intended for health professionals, business leaders, the food industry, policymakers, educators, the media, and citizens to use as a guiding document to improve the health and well-being of Maine people.
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Table Of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Profile of Maine
- Burden of Poor Nutrition, Physical Inactivity, Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases
- The Benefit of Improved Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Local Intervention Sites
- Existing Resources and Initiatives to Implement the Maine PAN Plan
- Vision, Mission, Goal, Obectives and Strategies
A. Youth Objectives and Key StrategiesB. Adults Objectives and Key Strategies
- Training and Technical Assistance to Implement the Maine PAN Plan
- Evaluation of the Maine PAN Plan
- Appendices